Week #3 of the Thursday Men’s Golf League Playoffs at Beechwood Golf & Social House is in the books. Congratulations to the following players who are the weekly winners:
Weekly Competition Winners
(Net Skins Front-9 Pot $162.00)
- Michael Wolowidnek #7
- Kyri Fabios #9
(Net Skins Back-9 Pot $72.00)
- Shelburne Fitzpatrick #11
- Joel Upham #15
- Alexander Vreken #17
Gross Skins Weekly Winner Front 9
($108.00 Pot)
- Sean Miller #6
- Kyri Fabios #9
Gross Skins Weekly Winner Back 9
($48.00 Pot)
- Darryl McNamara #10
- Shelburne Fitzpatrick #11
- Joel Upham #15
- Alexander Vreken #17
We do it all again this upcoming Thursday night for week #4 of the playoffs!